Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who participated in yesterday’s celebration! We had a grand time. And special thanks to the following:

Robert Forrant, Rob Weir, Mark Hubbard, Margo Shea, Paula Baker, and Justin Jackson for their thoughtful, stimulating papers!

Frank Couvares, Lynda Morgan, and Dan Czitrom for their introductions to the sessions!

Leslie Tarr Laurie, for the flowers, and for keeping Bruce in line!

The catering staff, for bringing us tasty food and keeping the good cheer flowing during the reception and dinner!

And finally, the conference services staff, for arranging comfortable spaces for the day’s and evening’s event!

If you did not sign the guest book and would like to do so before it’s presented to Bruce, there are a couple of options—either way, please do so by April 25.

  1. If you live in the area, contact Brian ( to arrange to stop by his office and sign.
  2. Otherwise, leave a message on our online guest book. Messages received by April 25 will be printed and included in the guest book. Of course, you may continue to leave messages online after April 25; they will be forwarded to Bruce before we shut down the site.

Program PDF

A PDF version of the program is now available!

Update #2: Nearly there!

As those of you on our event mailing list already know, we’ve had a flurry of activity: Registration opened on February 29, the program is nearly finished, and a guestbook is available for those who can’t make it (or who can, but who wish to leave a written or oral message for Bruce).

Our final catering count is due on Tuesday, April 12,  so please register by then. Otherwise we can’t guarantee that there will be enough food. There will be gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, and vegan options for both lunch and dinner.

We’re looking forward to seeing those of you who can make it on Saturday! If you have any last-minute questions, please contact organizers <at>

Update #1

Things are moving ahead! Thanks to everyone who has been in touch so far. We’re sending a reminder to Bruce’s former students who have not had a chance to reply, to make sure that they have room on the program, and then will send out a broader call for participants. We expect to post information on registration and lodging in late January.

If you have not yet signed up for the mailing list, visit the subscription page or contact to do so!

Save the date! April 16, 2016

On April 16, 2016, former students, colleagues, and friends of Bruce Laurie, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, will gather together with Bruce to celebrate his career as a scholar, teacher, and mentor. We plan a mixture of formal and informal presentations, and Bruce will read from his current work in progress.

As plans for the event firm up, we will post information about registration, the program, meals, and lodging on this site.

The event is being organized by Brian Ogilvie and Rob Weir, with a little help from their friends. To contact the organizers, please email organizers <at> If you wish to be placed on the electronic mailing list, please let us know! If you wish to be informed when we update the site, you can subscribe to the RSS feed in the sidebar to the right.